Viewing: Approval of the Agenda. 1 item
CALEXICO CITY COUNCIL/CALEXICO REDEVELOPMENT City of Calexico Wednesday, August 22, 2018 Council Members City Manager City Clerk Next City Ordinance Number: 1186 CALL TO ORDER ANNOUNCEMENTS These proceedings may be viewed on the City of Calexico website at the Friday following the City Council meeting. Mayor Pacheco will have community office hours to hear the concerns of the citizens the fourth Wednesday of the Month from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Fernando “Nene” Torres Council Chambers.
PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public Hearing for City Council to Consider Approval of the Following: A. The Environmental Impact Report and Development Agreement for Trinity Property Company, LLC. B. Adoption of Resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico, California, Approving the Certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report (SCH#2017121037), and Adoption of Findings of Fact and a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the Trinity Property Company, LLC., for the Establishment of a Cannabis Cultivation and Manufacturing Facility Project. C. Introduce and Waive First Reading of an Ordinance Approving a Development Agreement Between the City of Calexico and Trinity Property Company, LLC for the Establishment of a Cannabis Cultivation and Manufacturing Facility Project for Real Property within the City of Calexico. ADJOURNMENT |