Viewing: 10. Purchase Mobile Shower and Restroom Facility for Calexico Fire Department, Station 1.
Fernando “Nene” Torres Council Chambers 608 Heber Avenue Calexico, California Tuesday, October 20, 2015 6:30 p.m. Council Members Acting City Manager City Clerk Next City Ordinance Number: 1166
CALL TO ORDER Roll Call. A “Closed” Session of the City Council/Calexico Community Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency/ Calexico Financing Authority may be held in accordance with state law which may include, but is not limited to, the following types of items: personnel matters, labor negotiations, security matters, providing instructions to real property negotiators and conference with legal counsel regarding pending litigation. The Closed Session will be held in the City Hall Conference Room located at 608 Heber Avenue, Calexico, California. Any public comment on Closed Session items will be taken before the Closed Session. Any required announcements or discussion of Closed Session items or actions following the Closed Session will be made in the City Council Chambers, 608 Heber Avenue, Calexico, California. CLOSED SESSION 1. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 2. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS CALEXICO CITY COUNCIL/CALEXICO REDEVELOPMENT REGULAR SESSION AGENDA CALL TO ORDER ANNOUNCEMENTS These proceedings may be viewed on the City of Calexico website at the Friday following the City Council meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS AND PUBLIC APPEARANCES CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS AND REPORTS OF MEETINGS ATTENDED CITY MANAGER’S REPORT CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are to be considered routine by the City Council/Calexico Community Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency or Calexico Financing Authority and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed. Any item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered separately by the City Council. 3. Approval of City Council/Calexico Community Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency/Calexico Financing Authority Minutes for Meetings of October 6, 2015, July 9, 2009 and October 27, 2009. 4. Warrants from September 17, 2015 to September 30, 2015 and City Salaries and Benefits from September 4, 2015 to September 17, 2015. 5. Resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico Authorizing the City Manager to execute Certificates of Acceptance on the City’s behalf (Gov. Code 27281). 6. Resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico Approving Application for Funding for Calexico New River Parkway Project from State of California Recreational Trails Program. 7. Resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico Approving Waste Prevention, Recycling and Purchasing Recycled Products Policy. 8. Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 1165 of the City Council of the City of Calexico’s Purchasing Policy and Procedures to Reduce the Purchasing Authority of the City Manager and Make Other Changes to the City’s Purchasing Policy and Procedures. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR FOR DISCUSSION DISCUSSION AND POTENTIAL ACTION ITEMS 9. Time Limit on City Council Meeting (Council Member Moreno). 10. Purchase Mobile Shower and Restroom Facility for Calexico Fire Department, Station 1. 11. Specific Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JPIA) Factual Update with Costs to be Incurred after JPIA 12. Audit Update for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 and Executive Plan of Action. (Item Requested by Council Member Hurtado) 13. Discussion and Direction on Review of Water Meter Account Structure and Water Rate Study. (Item Requested by Council Member Real). 14. Information and Discussion on Garment Industry (Item Requested by Mayor Kim) 15. Discussion and Action on Status of Measure H Fund and Possible Audit. 16. Discussion and Direction on Ordinance Regarding Vacant Buildings in the Downtown Area and Addressing the Property Owner’s Responsibility to Provide Security and Address Blight Inside the Vacant Buildings (Item Requested by Council Member Real). 17. Appointment by Mayor and Council Members to Various Commissions, Boards and Committees INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 18. Status Report on Swimming Pool Project and Confirmation on Naming of the Facility. ADJOURNMENT |
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