CALEXICO CITY COUNCIL/CALEXICO REDEVELOPMENT City of Calexico Wednesday, January 24, 2018 Council Members Interim City Manager City Clerk Next City Ordinance Number: 1181
CALL TO ORDER Public Comments. Adjourn to Closed Session. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION 2. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 Agency Representatives: David Dale, Interim City Manager, Carlos Campos, City Attorney Employee Organizations: Calexico Municipal Employees Association, Fire Fighters Association, Certified Operators Association/SEIU Local 221, Calexico Police Officers Association, Calexico Management Association, Calexico Supervisors Association 3. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE EVALUATION REGULAR SESSION AGENDA
6:30 PM CALL TO ORDER ANNOUNCEMENTS These proceedings may be viewed on the City of Calexico website at the Friday following the City Council meeting. PRESENTATIONS 4. Presentation of Employee of the Quarter Award PUBLIC COMMENTS AND PUBLIC APPEARANCES CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS AND REPORTS OF MEETINGS ATTENDED CITY MANAGER’S REPORT CONSENT AGENDA 5. Warrants from December 25th 2017 to January 15th and City Salaries & Benefits from December 23rd to January 5th , 2018. 6. Resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico Pursuant to Public Contracts Code (PCC) Section 20168 Finding that an Emergency Exists Due to the Need for a New Variable Frequency Drive at the Water Treatment Plant and Authorize Contracting without the need for Binding Pursuant to PCC Section 22050. 7. Resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Execute a Grant of Easement/Pipeline(s) and Certificates of Acceptance for the City’s Acquisition of Fee Simple Interests, a Permanent Sewer Easement Interest in a Portion of Assessor’s Parcel Number 058-400-020, for the Expansion of Sewer Lift Station. 8. Adopt Budget Amendment Resolution for Sport Lighting at Joel Reisin Field. 9. Authorize the Interim City Manager to Sign Change Order No. 2 with Control System Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $51,899.45 for the Water Treatment Plant Emergency Generator Project No. 2017-100. ITEMS PULLED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR FOR DISCUSSION DISCUSSION AND POTENTIAL ACTION ITEMS 10. Hope Pharmacy – Business License Late Fee Waiver Request 11. Authorize the Interim City Manager to Sign Change Order No. 1 with Willdan in the amount of $13,500 for the EMS User Fee Study. 12. 2017-2018 Midyear Budget Report and Proposed Budget Amendment 13. Consideration of Request by Gran Plaza LP to Extend Expiration of Tentative Map for Three Years Pursuant to Government Code Section 66452.6(e). 14. Appointment of Delegate Member and Alternate Member to the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Regional Conference and General Assembly, May 2-4, 2017 in Indian Wells, California. 16. Appointment by Mayor Hurtado to the Library, Arts and Historical Commission. 17. Appointment by Mayor Hurtado to the Business Improvement District. 18. Appointment by Mayor Hurtado of an Administrative Hearings Officer Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 1.27.090/Hearing Officer. 19. Appointment by Mayor Hurtado to the Centinela State Prison Citizen Advisory Committee. 20. Appointment by Mayor Hurtado to the Oversight Board for the Calexico Community Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency. 21. Appointment by Mayor Hurtado of one Primary Representative and One Alternate to the Imperial County Transportation Commission (ICTC) Board. 22. Appointment of Primary Representative and One Alternate to the Imperial Valley Economic Development Corporation (IVEDC). INFORMATIONAL ITEMS FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT |