REGULAR MEETING AGENDA City of Calexico Fernando “Nene” Torres Council Chambers 608 Heber Avenue, Calexico, California
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
5:30 PM
Council Members
Javier Moreno, Mayor/Chairperson
Raul Ureña, Mayor Pro-Tem/Vice Chairperson
Camilo Garcia, Council Member
Gloria G. Romo, Council Member
Rosie Arreola-Fernandez, Council Member
City Manager
Esperanza Colio Warren
City Attorney
Carlos Campos
City Clerk
Gabriela Garcia
Next City Ordinance Number: 1227 CLOSED SESSION CALL TO ORDER Due to the Declaration of Emergency, this meeting is being held pursuant to AB 361 Approved by Governor of California on September 16, 2021 and some or all of the city council members may participate in this meeting by teleconference. Pursuant to Imperial County Public Health Department guidelines, City Council meetings are now open for public attendance at 100% of capacity of the council chambers. Public participation will continue to be available in the following ways: Members of the public are encouraged to watch the meeting via live stream at at 6:30 p.m. or via the Calexico City Hall Facebook page at: Members of the public will be able to make public comments in the following ways: a) In-person comments. b) Submit public comments via email by 2 p.m. on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 to or via fax to (760) 768-2103. c) You may make public comments via Zoom from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Please click the link below to join the webinar: Passcode: 982201 Or Telephone Dial: US: +1 669 900 6833 Webinar ID: 856 5846 1545 Passcode: 982201 ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS: (Not to Exceed 3 Minutes) This is the time for the public to address the City Council on Closed Session Items only. The Mayor will recognize you and when you come to the microphone, please state your name and place of residence for the record. While members of the public are encouraged to participate, it is unlawful to disturb or delay the Council meeting with personal or slanderous remarks. The City Council is prohibited by State law from taking action or discussing items not included on the printed agenda. Please direct your questions and comments to the City Council. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION. A “Closed” Session of the City Council/Calexico Community Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency/ Calexico Financing Authority may be held in accordance with state law which may include, but is not limited to, the following types of items: personnel matters, labor negotiations, security matters, providing instructions to real property negotiators and conference with legal counsel regarding pending litigation. The Closed Session will be held in the City Hall Conference Room located at 608 Heber Avenue, Calexico, California. Any public comment on Closed Session items will be taken before the Closed Session. Any required announcements or discussion of Closed Session items or actions following the Closed Session will be made in the City Council Chambers, 608 Heber Avenue, Calexico, California. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to Litigation, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2)/(e)(1) One (1) Potential Case. CALEXICO CITY COUNCIL/CALEXICO REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY/CALEXICO FINANCING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING 6:30 PM
ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MISSION STATEMENT PLEDGE INVOCATION CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS These proceedings may be viewed on the City of Calexico website at the Friday following the City Council meeting. Community office hours with Mayor Moreno will be held by appointment. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (760) 768-2102 to schedule an appointment. PUBLIC COMMENTS AND PUBLIC APPEARANCES NOTE: (Not to Exceed 3 Minutes) This is the time for the public to address the City Council on any item not appearing on the agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. The Mayor will recognize you and when you come to the microphone, please state your name and place of residence for the record. While members of the public are encouraged to participate, it is unlawful to disturb or delay the Council meeting with personal or slanderous remarks. The City Council is prohibited by State law from taking action or discussing items not included on the printed agenda. If the item you wish to comment on is on the public portion of the agenda, we will take your comment when we get to the item on the agenda. Please direct your questions and comments to the City Council. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS AND REPORTS OF MEETINGS ATTENDED CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are to be considered routine by the City Council/Calexico Community Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency or Calexico Financing Authority and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed. Any item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered separately by the City Council. 2. Warrants from May 21, 2022 to June 3, 2022 and City Salaries from May 21, 2022 to June 3, 2022. (Interim Finance Director) 3. Ratification of Library Board of Trustees Minutes for Meting of May 3, 2021. (Library Manager) 4. Approval of a Resolution to Continue Fully or Partially Virtual Public Meetings (AB 361). (City Manager) 5. Approval of a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico Approving Budget Policies for Fiscal Year July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. (Interim Finance Director) ITEMS PULLED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR FOR DISCUSSION DISCUSSION AND POTENTIAL ACTION ITEMS 6. Mayoral Rotation Policy Options. (Council Members Arreola-Fernandez and Garcia) 7. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico Approving an Intent to Collaborate with any Interested Individuals or Entities in an Effort to Bring Potential Housing Developments and Infrastructure Projects to the City of Calexico. (Development Services Director) 8. Introduction and First Reading by Title Only of an Ordinance Amending Calexico Municipal Code Section 2.04.060 Regarding City Council Agenda Order of Business. (Council Member Romo) 9. Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Destruction of Certain Department Records as per the City’s Records Retention and Destruction Policy. (City Clerk). 10. Removal of Mayor Pro Tem Ureña’s Current Appointee to the Economic Development/Financial Advisory Commission and Request to Advertise the Vacancy. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS
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