CALEXICO CITY COUNCIL/CALEXICO REDEVELOPMENT ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS: (Not to Exceed 3 Minutes) This is the time for the public to address the City Council on Closed Session Items only. The Mayor will recognize you and when you come to the microphone, please state your name and place of residence for the record. While members of the public are encouraged to participate, it is unlawful to disturb or delay the Council meeting with personal or slanderous remarks. The City Council is prohibited by State law from taking action or discussing items not included on the printed agenda. Please direct your questions and comments to the City Council. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION. A “Closed” Session of the City Council/Calexico Community Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency/ Calexico Financing Authority may be held in accordance with state law which may include, but is not limited to, the following types of items: personnel matters, labor negotiations, security matters, providing instructions to real property negotiators and conference with legal counsel regarding pending litigation. The Closed Session will be held in the City Hall Conference Room located at 608 Heber Avenue, Calexico, California. Any public comment on Closed Session items will be taken before the Closed Session. Any required announcements or discussion of Closed Session items or actions following the Closed Session will be made in the City Council Chambers, 608 Heber Avenue, Calexico, California. 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 Agency Representatives: Esperanza Colio Warren, City Manager, Carlos Campos, City Attorney Employee Organizations: Calexico Firefighters Association, Certified Operators Association/SEIU Local 221, Calexico Police Officers Association, Calexico Municipal Employee Association. 2. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Pursuant to Government Code § 54957 Title: City Manager 3. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT Pursuant to Government Code § 54957(b) Title: Chief of Police 4. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to Litigation, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) One (1) potential case
These proceedings may be viewed on the City of Calexico website at the Friday following the City Council meeting.
Community office hours with Mayor Ureña will be held by appointment. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (760) 768-2102 to schedule an appointment. 5. Proclamation Honoring Gabriela T. Garcia, City Clerk on Retirement after 33 Years of Service to the City of Calexico. 6. Moment of Silence for the passing of Mr. Alejandro Armenta, Former City Manager of the city of Calexico between 1992-1996. PUBLIC COMMENTS AND PUBLIC APPEARANCES NOTE: (Not to Exceed 3 Minutes) This is the time for the public to address the City Council on any item not appearing on the agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. The Mayor will recognize you and when you come to the microphone, please state your name and place of residence for the record. While members of the public are encouraged to participate, it is unlawful to disturb or delay the Council meeting with personal or slanderous remarks. The City Council is prohibited by State law from taking action or discussing items not included on the printed agenda. If the item you wish to comment on is on the public portion of the agenda, we will take your comment when we get to the item on the agenda. Please direct your questions and comments to the City Council. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT COMMISSIONER REPORTS CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS AND REPORTS OF MEETINGS ATTENDED CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are to be considered routine by the City Council/Calexico Community Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency or Calexico Financing Authority and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed. Any item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered separately by the City Council. 7. Ratification of Bylaws for the 2010 General Tax Citizen Oversight Advisory Committee (Measure H) – Change in Meeting Day and Meeting Time. (Interim Finance Director) 8. Authorize City Manager to Purchase One (1) 2023 F-150 Super Cab for $50,050.00 for the Calexico Police Department - Animal Control Department from National Auto Fleet Group Under Sourcewell Contract 091521-NAF Cooperative Purchase Agreement. (Interim Police Chief) 9. Ratification of Letter of Support for AB 918 – Imperial Valley Healthcare District Introduced by Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia. (Mayor Ureña) 10. Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Grant Application in the Amount of up to $50,050, Grant Agreement and/or any Other Documentation Pertaining to the T-Mobile Hometown Grant Application Q3 2023. (Library Manager) ITEMS PULLED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR FOR DISCUSSION DISCUSSION AND POTENTIAL ACTION ITEMS 11. Adopt Budget Amendment Resolution for Reallocation of Resources to Police Department and Recreation Department. (Interim Police Chief) 12. Urgency Ordinance Adopting Police Department Military Equipment Use Policy for 120 Days. (Interim Police Chief) INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 13. Receive and File Library Board of Trustees Minutes for Regular Meeting on April 3, 2023. (Library Manager) FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS
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