Viewing: 5. Approval of a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico authorizing the City Manager to finalize negotiations an execute an agreement with Nextel of California, Inc./Sprint regarding payment of costs for reconfiguration of Public Safety
CALL TO ORDER AND ATTENDANCE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF AGENDA PRESENTATION A. Presentation by Pioneers Memorial Hospital CEO Larry Lewis and the Heffernan Memorial Healthcare District re: The 24-hour urgent care center and hours of operation.
NOTE: (Not to exceed 3 minutes) This is the time for the public to address the Council on any item not appearing on the agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. The Mayor will recognize you and when you come to the microphone, please state your name and place of residence for the record. While members of the public are encouraged to participate, it is unlawful to disturb or delay the Council meeting with personal or slanderous remarks. If the item you wish to comment on is a closed session or consent item, please comment now. If the item you wish to comment on is on the public portion of the agenda, we will take your comment when we get to the item on the agenda. Please direct your questions and comments to the City Council. GENERAL COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS/CITY MANAGER CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of City Council/Calexico Community Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency/ Calexico Financing Authority Minutes for Special Meeting of December 11, 2013. 2. Approval of Application for Alcoholic Beverage License for Muzz Petroleum, 1098 E. Cole Blvd., Calexico, CA 92231. 3. Approval of Resolutions Regarding Emergency Repairs at the Calexico Wastewater Treatment Plant and Water Treatment Plant. a. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico (City) Pursuant to Public Contracts Code (PCC) Section 22050 Finding the continued existence of a emergency due to the need for a New Variable Frequency Drive at the Water Treatment Plant. b. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico (City) Pursuant to Public Contracts Code (PCC) Section 22050 Finding the Continued Existence of an emergency due to the need for Draft Tube Repairs at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. c. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico (City) Pursuant to Public Contracts Code (PCC) Section 22050 Finding the Continued Existence of an emergency due to the need for a New Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Mixer. 4. Approval of Resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico authorizing the City Manager to execute a non-exclusive license agreement with Catholic Charities. 5. Approval of a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico authorizing the City Manager to finalize negotiations an execute an agreement with Nextel of California, Inc./Sprint regarding payment of costs for reconfiguration of Public Safety Radio Frequencies for the City of Calexico. 6. Approval of a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute an agreement with the Los Angeles Interagency Metropolitan Police Apprehension Crime Taskforce (LA IMPACT) regarding assignment of an officer, equitable sharing distribution and overtime reimbursements for the City of Calexico. BUSINESS ITEMS 7. Discussion and/or Action on Approval of First Time Homebuyer Short Sale. 8. Discussion/Direction on consideration of possible funding of three (3) staff members for the Parks Department. 9. Discussion and/or Action on Request for waiver of fees for Cesar Chavez March. 10.Discussion and/or Direction on Consideration of update or reduction of impact fees. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 11. Newspaper Article: State Pension Board Hikes Contributions (Union Tribune - February 19, 2014)
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